Water fasting – I have decided to go on a water fast for one week
To cleanse my body of toxins and sugars. I felt overstimulated by western diet and consumed a lot of carbohydrates and pastries.
I felt that it elevated my blood sugar levels to a point that it was in pleasant in my body. Lots of toilet visits , smelly urine, skin irritation.
I started on Friday night.
During Saturday I just had water and teas . I was very tires and slept for 17 hours on n off. Then I went to the ocean for sunset and did sun gazing for 20 min. It really recharges my body. I also did some Qigong exercises.
Sunday I decided to drink some herbal teas for the next two days together with water consumption
I drank about 2.5 lt of fluids. My body felt tired and some toxins came out , from an old infection that I thought long ago disappeared. I was a bit mentally tired and a bit upset . The craving for food was definitely there. I realized how much fun and joy food can give us and a pleasure of eating. It was also a social thing that I had to refuse to some delicious meals were offered to me.
Bagga. I consumed about 2 lt. of water today. I felt how my body is losing weight by using my fats reserves… and I don’t have much fats but those I gained in the past two weeks are been chewed to give energy to My body and brain.
Monday morning was very hard to wake up and my whole body was weak and painful. Mainly I felt my lower back- kidneys and my knees ( which are related to kidneys) painful. It feels as if the kidneys go under a deep process of cleansing. I had a bit of lemon water and I found it hard now to gallop a whole cup of water. I had to sip slowly even just one cup. My though went on thinking about dry fast after this week.
I made a fresh parsley tea and drank it slowly. Up till now my body didn’t have any need or desire to excrete feaceas ( toilet no.2).
Day four I decided that my body needs ocean and movement, so I went surfing. On waking up I felt tired but my body really wanted to move the stagnation. Surfing was great and I felt more awake and energized afterwards.
During the rest of the day I felt energy, light body , no tiredness , no hunger. Sometimes I would feel thirsty, and my mouth n tongue are dry. My tongue has a semi thick white yellowish coating . My heart had some palpitations for a bit. The night between day 4-5 was light . I didn’t feel much tired and woke up naturally at 5:30am and again went to the ocean. Exercise was good.
I feel sharp, I don’t get any blurry sight or dizziness. With food I used to feel tired after eating. Now it’s not there. I consider dry fast for one or two days.
Till now, good experience.
I felt the at day three the body shifted from sugar as energy to Ketone bodies ( fat deposits) as energy. It feels good. The transition was painful to my kidneys.
All systems are clean and clear now. From day four to day seven I experienced increased levels of energy. I didn’t need much sleep. In those times where I used to feel sleepy ( midday, after lunch or around five pm) there was no tiredness. My eye sight got sharper than before. I had no stools/ defecation. I didn’t spend time in thinking of food, cooking food, digesting food or eliminating food.
It was an amazing experience!!!!
Coming out of the fast, in a slow and moderate pace , I realized how the whole digestive system made a huge reset.
I am so happy and grateful.